
Dtailed but clear climate journalism on the challeneges and solutions for global warming

Climate change is scary. But despite this fact it doesn’t mean we have to be scared, “it’s from our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light” - Aristotle.

And that’s why Sustainonomy is here to show that light. We believe that there is a huge gap in the way climate journalism is told; It often misses the story. Focusing instead on either the big picture or zooming right down to the very complicated detail.

We believe there is room for both. Why is it taking so long for companies to switch to sustainable packaging ? How honest was that climate neutrality pleged on that new smartphone ? and what are the concrete actions I can demand from my policymakers that aren’t just a variation of a three word slogan?

The sort of question you would come to expect from publications such as The Register for Tech, Politico for Politics or Sifted for Business

Behind every story we believe there is an interesting web of information we can use to inform this fight for the future of planet earth. After all you can’t fix what you don’t understand and this ultimetley leads to fear.

Climate change is scary. But despite this fact it doesn’t mean we have to be scared.